Saturday, June 13, 2009

The problem...

Why is it that we always wander into forbidden territories, cross the limits, annhilate the customs?
Why is it that only when we reach the point of no return that
we realize our madness? Why is it that we are sorry only when the maximum damage has been done?
Why is it that we cannot observe simple rules?

Why cant we see the signposts
along the path, the caution signals?
Why is it that the dreams that matter
the most are always larger than life?Impossibe?
Why is it that we overlook the most basic teachings? Are we really that ignorant? Or do we simply choose to ignore?
Or is it because we do not understand? Or simply that we do not want to understand?
Or because our mind has a habit of creating a pseudo-possibility, of seeing a non existent glimmer of light, of hope that the untrodden path that we are exploring will some day lead us to our destiny...
That someday we will succeed, conquer the impossible, scale the infinite...

Why is it that we will never understand...?
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